Bootcamp, Day #3, Why I Published This Course

why I wrote courseI hope you enjoyed the first two core lessons of Investing Bootcamp. It was important that we start with compounding because this concept is the foundation of investing success. And the lack of having your funds compound—as we will see in an upcoming lesson on fees—can have a devastating effect on your final account balance.
So please stick with the course, only 26 more days to go! (insert smiley face here)

I wanted to write today with just a quick note on why I created this 30-day free training. And the simple answer is that I am tired of the tremendous amount of misinformation on investing that is provided to Canadians (especially women) each and every day.

A little-known fact is that mutual funds in Canada have the highest and most complicated fees in the world. No lie. A recent report from Morningstar, a leading independent research provider, actually gave Canada an F (for, you know, fail), for the industry’s incredibly high fees. It was the only country (of 22) to receive an F.

And yet the mutual fund industry continues to not only survive, but thrive, in Canada. I have reviewed countless portfolios over the last 20 years, and the vast majority of them are in invested in high-fee mutual funds—most often from the Canadian banks or mutual fund companies like AGF, Dundee, Fidelity, etc. And the women I work with through are shocked to learn the effect these fees (many of which they were not aware of) have on their future income.

A 2% annual fee, charged over 30 years can be the difference between being able to retire at 65 or having to wait until 75.

Are you willing to work an extra ten years just to support the mutual fund industry?

And that is why I wrote the course. To provide a foundational level of education on how the mutual fund industry works, the effect of high fees on your portfolio, and the options you have as an alternative to mutual funds.

This course will make a difference to your future. I promise.

Let me know if you have any questions.